Thursday, April 7, 2011

Voulez-vous Pate avec moi?

Tonno (tuna) Pate 

Italians are among the most clever marketers in the world, and this Rio Mare Tuna pate is a simple encapsulation of Italian wit, humor and marketing. What is it? Delicious tuna pate out of a tube ingeniously packaged to prevent damage. After that, there is actually quite a lot happening here. On the surface its tonno pate, but dig a little deeper. Is "Pate" a pun for "Party"?... not a stretch considering Italians are steeped in American pop culture and practically all learn to speak their first English words from American pop lyrics. As a matter of fact , the message on the front is an American song lyric:  "Voulez-vou Pate avec moi? " is,  no doubt,  coined from the great Patti LaBelle: Lady Marmalade chorus: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?   Of course we substitute "coucher" for "pate".  How ingenious, they've associated their product with a party, a pop icon, and sex!