Thursday, April 7, 2011

Voulez-vous Pate avec moi?

Tonno (tuna) Pate 

Italians are among the most clever marketers in the world, and this Rio Mare Tuna pate is a simple encapsulation of Italian wit, humor and marketing. What is it? Delicious tuna pate out of a tube ingeniously packaged to prevent damage. After that, there is actually quite a lot happening here. On the surface its tonno pate, but dig a little deeper. Is "Pate" a pun for "Party"?... not a stretch considering Italians are steeped in American pop culture and practically all learn to speak their first English words from American pop lyrics. As a matter of fact , the message on the front is an American song lyric:  "Voulez-vou Pate avec moi? " is,  no doubt,  coined from the great Patti LaBelle: Lady Marmalade chorus: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?   Of course we substitute "coucher" for "pate".  How ingenious, they've associated their product with a party, a pop icon, and sex! 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Daily protection against root canals
Italians use English in the most unusual way, particularly when it comes to naming brands. An excellent example is the popular chewing gum “Daygum”. I’m quite sure the titans of the chicklet industry never paused to brand a stick of gum according the time of day or night. Nor have they ever promoted chewing gum as a means of daily “protection” against tooth decay. All this aside, Daygum is a marvel, preventing plaque, decay and bad breath. It’s gum to be chewed daily as a means of dental hygiene. It can be purchased in blister packs or 5.90 euros will get you a baby jar size each with 75 “confetti”, pieces. Great tasting too!